New and Emerging Technology News part 21 ~ NEW GEN TECH LIFE : new generation technology news

Friday, 24 January 2014

New and Emerging Technology News part 21

Qualcomm planning dual-core 1.5GHz Snapdragon 8X72 CPU
Qualcomm has revealed what's in store for the Snapdragon platform, which powers Google's Nexus One smartphone, among other things. By the end of January, the 45nm 1.3GHz Snapdragon 8X50A will be available to manufacturers, and should be appearing in products by the end of 2010 - but where things get really exciting is the move to dual-core.  Read More
A simple two icon start screen should make navigating even easier
TomTom's EASE is the latest addition to its satellite navigation family and brings all the functionality, ease of use and practicality of its siblings at a fraction of the cost. Launched at CES in Las Vegas this week, the EASE blends a simple two icon interface menu, an integrated fold-away mount and the company's proprietary Map Share and IQ Routes - all for around a hundred US dollars.  Read More
ClickFree's new range takes the hassle out of backing up files
Most Gizmag readers should be aware of the importance of backing up data, and this is probably because at one time or another countless hours of work have been lost due to hard drive failure or any other of a number of disaster scenarios. Taking the hassle out of backing up would therefore seem a good idea, and Clickfree is back at this year’s CES with some follow-ups to its 2009 Transformer.  Read More
ASUS' Eee keyboard pc combines all the functionality of a netbook with a wireless keyboard
Since early December 2009, consumers have been tantalized with news of the upcoming release of the ASUS Eee keyboard PC – a keyboard with all the functionality of a netbook. It seems they won’t be left waiting for too much longer. ASUS announced at CES 2010 that the Eee keyboard should be available sometime in the first quarter of 2010.  Read More
Google Nexus One
We've aggregated all the latest news on the Nexus One so you don't have to. An impressive market share on debut, worldwide release on Vodafone, European multi-touch, 3G reception issues on T-Mobile, 150 million good reasons why the Nexus One will succeed, angry Dick. Read on for more.  Read More
TV Everywhere lets you watch and record your favourite programmes anywhere in the home
Wireless media streaming seems to be one hot topic at CES this year, and Slingbox has had another feather added to its cap via DISH Networks. The broadcast-anywhere solution first surfaced in 2005 and has since been superceded with a PRO-HD model and mobile versions for the iPhone. It now seems to be working on integration with set-top boxes and other devices, and a recent partnership with DISH has resulted in its new TV Everywhere service.  Read More
The Netgear Wireless-N router with DSL modem - DGN2200M
Anyone familiar with a loss of internet connection will attest to the absolute standstill of productivity it can cause, and in an office environment it can near spell disaster if not dealt with swiftly. With a view to counteracting this issue and possibly gearing up towards the shift to increasingly cellular technologies, Netgear has unveiled the Wireless-N 300 router with DSL Modem Mobile Broadband Edition – or rather, the DGN 2200M. The router combines 802.11n wireless with an integrated ADSL+2 modem as well as optional cellular connectivity through an external 3G/4G/WiMAX modem.  Read More
Gizmag found that the Yurbuds fit well and were comfortable
A common problem with most MP3 players, portable game systems, and Bluetooth headsets is earbuds that don’t stay in your ear. Many earpieces, like the ubiquitous white iPod earbuds, are designed to be “one-size-fits-all” but simply do not stay put when you’re exercising, gaming, or walking through the airport. Yurtopia aims to fix that problem with their Yurbuds custom-sized earbud enhancers.  Read More
The Neptune SB-1 radio-controlled submarine
How would you like to be one of those people who remotely-operate those little unmanned submarines, watching their live video feeds as they explore shipwrecks or engage giant squids? Well, good luck with that. In the meantime, you can make do with buying a Thunder Tiger Neptune SB-1 radio-controlled submarine. By installing the optional mini video camera inside its clear nose cone, you can proceed to explore the briny depths of your local lake, pond or swimming pool.  Read More

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