New and Emerging Technology News part 201 ~ NEW GEN TECH LIFE : new generation technology news

Thursday, 20 February 2014

New and Emerging Technology News part 201

The French Rhone Alpes team has won this year’s European Solar Decathlon with its Canopea ...
The French Rhone Alpes team has won this year’s European Solar Decathlon with its ecological modular home concept. Dubbed Canopea, the prefabricated prototype home has been designed so that a series of Canopea modules can be stacked on top of one another, creating a “nanotower” which could house up to ten families. The concept is hoped to foster the development of sustainable community living in urban areas, while also taking advantage of the sun’s energy through an integrated system of rooftop photovoltaic panels.  Read More
The Lockitron works with any mobile phone
Lockitron is an awesome new piece of technology designed to let you unlock your house using your smartphone. Technology like this has been around for a little while with the UniKey, but what makes Lockitron so interesting is that it installs on existing locks in a user's home. This means the installation process take less than a minute.  Read More
It's the HTC One X+ vs. the Samsung Galaxy S III: who will come out ahead?
Shoppers can be fickle. Two companies will release competing products that are similar in nearly every way, and one will often outsell the other by leaps and bounds. This can often be attributed to marketing or timing, but sometimes the reasoning is a mystery. When the new HTC One X+ is released in November, we could potentially see this again. Let's see how it compares to the present King of Android, the Samsung Galaxy S3.  Read More
BodyFloat works by levitating a rider over their bike and terrain via a patent-pending und...
Looking for a way to make his frequent bike journeys a little less arduous while assisting rural village development in Kenya and Uganda, veteran frame builder Paul Barkley found that existing spring seats just didn't offer the kind of action, adjustability, performance and comfort he was looking for, so he set about designing one that did. When he discovered that the first prototype worked much better than expected, he set about refining the design. After spending more than a year riding, testing, racing and tweaking, he teamed up with keen cyclist Charlie Heggem to form Cirrus Cycles and bring the BodyFloat to market. The seatpost suspension system is claimed to smooth out the terrain below by levitating the rider above the bike, resulting in a comfortable ride and allowing for a smooth, comfortable and efficient pedal stroke without bounce, flex or wasted energy.  Read More

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