Almost everyone has multiple devices that require
charging. A new product called thingCHARGER aims to make the process a
little easier and neater, as it goes right over an existing outlet, and
docks various devices on top for easy charging. Read More
Having been available for just over a year now,
Tesla’s Model S has received its fair share of acclaim, and its fair
share of criticism. So what’s it like to drive this 416 hp all-electric,
and how does it compare to other premium sedans? Gizmag went to Palo
Alto to find out first hand. Read More
MOSS modular system keeps DIY robotics simple
By Darren Quick
November 28, 2013
Colorado-based Modular Robotics has taken its Cubelets
robotic building blocks to the next level with MOSS, a modular robot
construction system that requires no coding or wiring skills on the part
of the user. The kits are made up of various modules that communicate
with each other via a single button contact and can be snapped together
using magnets. Read More
New nanoparticle opens doorway to oral treatment of chronic diseases
By Nick Lavars
November 28, 2013
Most of us would swallow a pill before being
poked by a needle, yet sufferers of chronic illnesses are regularly
required to administer their medicine intravenously. A team of
researchers from MIT and Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) has
developed a new type of nanoparticle that could afford patients the
choice – potentially making uncomfortable injections a thing of the past
in the treatment of a range of chronic diseases. Read More
Earlier this month, NASA carried out tests on a new flight system for the Space Launch System
(SLS), the heavy lifting rocket that will send the manned Orion
spacecraft into deep space. What was unusual about this is that instead
of using a rocket for the tests, the space agency used an F/A-18 Hornet
fighter jet as a stand in as a way to carry out more tests at lower
costs. Read More
Rain gauges are generally pretty accurate at
measuring the amount of precipitation that has fallen at their location,
but they can't be everywhere. This means that average rainfall figures
for a region could be inaccurate, if considerably more or less rain has
been falling in unmonitored areas. Cars, however, are just about
everywhere that there are roads. With that in mind, researchers from
Germany's University of Hanover are looking at using them to tell us how much water is coming from the sky. Read More
Daihatsu introduces fuel cell mini-truck concept
By Ben Coxworth
November 28, 2013
Japan's oldest automaker, Daihatsu, raised some
eyebrows a couple of years ago when it unveiled its FC ShoCase vehicle.
Along with being funny-looking, it was powered by a prototype fuel cell
(first announced in 2007) that was said to overcome some of the key
limitations of traditional hydrogen fuel cells. At this year's Tokyo
Motor Show, a new FC concept vehicle has been presented – the FC Deco
Deck mini-truck. Read More
A new company called Electroninks is
seeking to make DIY electronics child’s play ... literally. Circuit
Scribe is a roller-ball pen filled with conductive silver ink that
enables the creation of circuits by simply drawing them. Read More
What lives in the desert, changes
color throughout the day, and is powered by sustainable energy? That
would be the chameleon-like Lucid Stead, by artist Phillip K Smith III:
an Arduino-equipped, solar-powered shack in Joshua Tree, San Bernadino
County, California. Read More
Gaming hardware company Razer has
announced the launch of its new premium headphones, the Kraken Forged
Edition. Optimized for music and gaming, and designed for comfort and
portability, the top-of-the-range closed earcup cans feature
custom-tuned, bass-heavy drivers in brushed metal housing, and swappable
audio cables. Read More
Portuguese designer Susana Soares
has created a series of glass diagnostic tools which use trained honey
bees to detect if a patient has cancer. The "Bees" project draws
inspiration from research indicating that "sniffer bees" can be trained
to detect specific odors such as explosives, or in Soares' case, cancer.
Read More
Chicago-based company Gramovox has
merged the old with the new in its Bluetooth Gramophone. The fusion of
vintage audio device and modern technology takes the form of a 3:4 scale
replica of the R3 Magnavox horn speaker and packs a Bluetooth 3.0
module to allow wireless connection of mobile devices. Read More
Portuguese designer Susana Soares
has created a series of glass diagnostic tools which use trained honey
bees to detect if a patient has cancer. The "Bees" project draws
inspiration from research indicating that "sniffer bees" can be trained
to detect specific odors such as explosives, or in Soares' case, cancer.
Read More
Chicago-based company Gramovox has
merged the old with the new in its Bluetooth Gramophone. The fusion of
vintage audio device and modern technology takes the form of a 3:4 scale
replica of the R3 Magnavox horn speaker and packs a Bluetooth 3.0
module to allow wireless connection of mobile devices. Read More
Portuguese designer Susana Soares
has created a series of glass diagnostic tools which use trained honey
bees to detect if a patient has cancer. The "Bees" project draws
inspiration from research indicating that "sniffer bees" can be trained
to detect specific odors such as explosives, or in Soares' case, cancer.
Read More
Chicago-based company Gramovox has
merged the old with the new in its Bluetooth Gramophone. The fusion of
vintage audio device and modern technology takes the form of a 3:4 scale
replica of the R3 Magnavox horn speaker and packs a Bluetooth 3.0
module to allow wireless connection of mobile devices. Read More
Chinese Photographic Accessory
Designer FotoPro is best known for its range of tripods, but is
diversifying with some equally innovative products released at Photo
Fair Thailand. The pick of the bunch is a lightweight accessory pack
designed to turn the iPhone 5 into a photographic kit. Read More
Audi has announced the Q1 compact
SUV will join its Q series in 2016. The Q1 will slot in below the Q3 as
Audi's entry-level SUV and is part of the company's efforts to up its
model line-up from 49 to more than 60 models by 2020. Read More
Volvo is definitely one of the leaders in the world of self-driving cars, having recently developed systems that allow vehicles to park themselves, avoid the formation of traffic jams, and travel safely together in "road trains."
Now, the Swedish automaker has announced that it's going to be taking
part in a project that will see 100 autonomous Volvos traveling the
streets of Gothenburg within four years. Read More
Sony may be looking to take the relatively new
field of wearable electronics in a slightly unexpected direction if a
patent filed by the company is any indication. The patent isn't for a
competing version of Google Glasses, nor on a watch so smart that it
could join Mensa, but on the SmartWig. Scratching your head yet? Before
you pull the rug out from under this concept, some of the possible
applications are more useful than one might expect from a hi-tech
hairpiece. Read More
Even entry-level DSLRs are now capable of
producing very good quality images. But the high-end market, where
cameras cost thousands of dollars, is about much more than that. These
cameras are designed for enthusiasts and professionals who demand the
ultimate in autofocus speed and manual controls, along with image and
build quality. In this guide Gizmag compares our pick of the best
high-end DSLRs currently on the market. Read More
A team of theoretical physicists from the US
Department of Energy’s (DOE) SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory and
Stanford University is predicting that stanene, a single layer of tin
atoms laid out in a two-dimensional structure, could conduct electricity
with one hundred percent efficiency at room temperature. If the
findings are confirmed they could pave the way for building computer
chips that are faster, consume less power, and won't heat up nearly as
much. Read More
Subaru has given the world a look at where its
Legacy car line is going with the world premiere of its new Levorg
concept car at the 2013 Tokyo Motor.
The concept, which stands for “Legacy,” "Revolution,” and “Touring,” is
designed to combine practicality and sports car handling in a Sport
tourer concept which is expected to hit the Japanese market next year.
Read More
Morgaw bike saddle features integrated shock absorbers
By Ben Coxworth
November 29, 2013
Butt pain is a big complaint amongst cyclists,
although many of them will tell you that getting a cushier seat isn't
the solution. The theory goes that the extra padding will get pressed up
into the rider's nether regions, ultimately just adding more pressure.
Suspension seatposts are one alternative, although European cyclists
Martin Moravcik and Slawek Gawlik have created what they claim is
another, that's lighter and simpler – the Morgaw shock-absorbing saddle.
Read More
Head-up displays, or HUDs, are claimed to make
driving much safer and easier – instead of looking away from the road
and shifting their focus to the dashboard console, drivers just need to
glance at an unobtrusive display projected onto their view of the road.
NUVIZ now wants to bring HUD technology to motorcyclists, in the form of
its Ride:HUD helmet system. Read More
Acer adds touchscreen model to C720 Chromebook line
By Paul Ridden
November 29, 2013
Acer has followed last month's release of its C720 Chromebook
with the launch of its first touchscreen variant. In addition to
supporting up to 10 simultaneous touch points, the C720P is claimed to
boot up from cold in just 7 seconds, has twice the built-in storage of
its slightly older cousin and comes with 100 GB of Google Drive storage
for two years. Read More
Over the years, various researchers have
developed systems in which the weight transferred through cars' wheels
onto the road – or through pedestrians' feet onto the sidewalk
– is used to generate electricity. These systems utilize piezoelectric
materials, which convert mechanical stress into an electrical current.
Such materials may be effective, but they're also too expensive for use
in many parts of the world. That's why Mexican entrepreneur Héctor
Ricardo Macías Hernández created his own rather ingenious alternative.
Read More
Shimizu's Luna Ring to beam solar energy from the Moon
December 2, 2013
A Japanese firm has come up with the idea of
constructing an array of solar cells around the Moon's equator to
harvest solar energy and beam it back to Earth. The Shimizu Corporation
proposes creating a "Luna Ring" using materials derived from lunar soil
along its 11,000-km (6,800-mile) equator. The plan involves starting
with an array that's a few kilometers wide and eventually increasing
that to around 400 km (250 miles). Read More
As early as 2015, your Amazon purchases could be
dropped at your door within 30 minutes courtesy of unmanned aerial
drones. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos revealed plans for the delivery service
dubbed Prime Air (an extension of Amazon Prime which guarantees two-day
shipping) in a 60 Minutes interview on Sunday night. Read More
The 2013 LA Auto Show Design Challenge
has been won by SAIC Motor Corp. The Chinese automaker’s “Mobiliant”
concept saw off competition from eight other contenders who where
challenged to create forward-looking designs under the theme "Biomimicry
& Mobility 2025 – Nature's Answer to Human Challenges." Read More
Last August, it looked as if the NASA's Kepler space telescope
was as good as scrap due to the failure of its attitude control system.
Now the space agency proposes what it calls the K2 mission concept,
which will give the unmanned probe "second light" by using the Sun to
regain attitude control and allow Kepler to resume its search for
extrasolar planets. Read More
Most of us are aware of the dangers surrounding
the amount of time we spend in the sun. Although we rely on exposure to
sunlight to provide us with vitamin D, a lack of protection from harmful
ultraviolet (UV) rays can lead to skin cancer. It can be a fine line
between a healthy dose of sun and retreating indoors to coat ourselves
in Aloe vera. The UVA+B Sunfriend aims to promote a healthy amount of
sun exposure by alerting users when it is time to make for the shade.
Read More
After a month spent jockeying about in Earth Orbit, India’s Mars Orbiter Mission
(MOM) is finally on its way to the Red Planet. According to the Indian
Space Research Organisation (ISRO), the unmanned spacecraft fired its
main engine on Sunday at 12:49 AM (IST) and completed the firing 22
minutes and 8.89 seconds later, completing the Mars orbit insertion that
will see it arrive in orbit around Mars in September of next year. Read More
Batteries. We buy them at the store, use them up,
and throw them away without much thought. In reality, however,
batteries are remarkably complex electrochemical devices that are
continually evolving. The latest example of this comes from the Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory, where researchers have invented an
advanced lithium/sulfur (Li/S) cell that offers a unique combination of
energy storage, power, recharge speed, and survivability. Read More
Over the years, various researchers have
developed systems in which the weight transferred through cars' wheels
onto the road – or through pedestrians' feet onto the sidewalk
– is used to generate electricity. These systems utilize piezoelectric
materials, which convert mechanical stress into an electrical current.
Such materials may be effective, but they're also too expensive for use
in many parts of the world. That's why Mexican entrepreneur Héctor
Ricardo Macías Hernández created his own rather ingenious alternative.
Read More
Shimizu's Luna Ring to beam solar energy from the Moon
December 2, 2013
A Japanese firm has come up with the idea of
constructing an array of solar cells around the Moon's equator to
harvest solar energy and beam it back to Earth. The Shimizu Corporation
proposes creating a "Luna Ring" using materials derived from lunar soil
along its 11,000-km (6,800-mile) equator. The plan involves starting
with an array that's a few kilometers wide and eventually increasing
that to around 400 km (250 miles). Read More
As early as 2015, your Amazon purchases could be
dropped at your door within 30 minutes courtesy of unmanned aerial
drones. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos revealed plans for the delivery service
dubbed Prime Air (an extension of Amazon Prime which guarantees two-day
shipping) in a 60 Minutes interview on Sunday night. Read More
The 2013 LA Auto Show Design Challenge
has been won by SAIC Motor Corp. The Chinese automaker’s “Mobiliant”
concept saw off competition from eight other contenders who where
challenged to create forward-looking designs under the theme "Biomimicry
& Mobility 2025 – Nature's Answer to Human Challenges." Read More
Last August, it looked as if the NASA's Kepler space telescope
was as good as scrap due to the failure of its attitude control system.
Now the space agency proposes what it calls the K2 mission concept,
which will give the unmanned probe "second light" by using the Sun to
regain attitude control and allow Kepler to resume its search for
extrasolar planets. Read More
Most of us are aware of the dangers surrounding
the amount of time we spend in the sun. Although we rely on exposure to
sunlight to provide us with vitamin D, a lack of protection from harmful
ultraviolet (UV) rays can lead to skin cancer. It can be a fine line
between a healthy dose of sun and retreating indoors to coat ourselves
in Aloe vera. The UVA+B Sunfriend aims to promote a healthy amount of
sun exposure by alerting users when it is time to make for the shade.
Read More
After a month spent jockeying about in Earth Orbit, India’s Mars Orbiter Mission
(MOM) is finally on its way to the Red Planet. According to the Indian
Space Research Organisation (ISRO), the unmanned spacecraft fired its
main engine on Sunday at 12:49 AM (IST) and completed the firing 22
minutes and 8.89 seconds later, completing the Mars orbit insertion that
will see it arrive in orbit around Mars in September of next year. Read More
Batteries. We buy them at the store, use them up,
and throw them away without much thought. In reality, however,
batteries are remarkably complex electrochemical devices that are
continually evolving. The latest example of this comes from the Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory, where researchers have invented an
advanced lithium/sulfur (Li/S) cell that offers a unique combination of
energy storage, power, recharge speed, and survivability. Read More
Over the years, various researchers have
developed systems in which the weight transferred through cars' wheels
onto the road – or through pedestrians' feet onto the sidewalk
– is used to generate electricity. These systems utilize piezoelectric
materials, which convert mechanical stress into an electrical current.
Such materials may be effective, but they're also too expensive for use
in many parts of the world. That's why Mexican entrepreneur Héctor
Ricardo Macías Hernández created his own rather ingenious alternative.
Read More
Shimizu's Luna Ring to beam solar energy from the Moon
December 2, 2013
A Japanese firm has come up with the idea of
constructing an array of solar cells around the Moon's equator to
harvest solar energy and beam it back to Earth. The Shimizu Corporation
proposes creating a "Luna Ring" using materials derived from lunar soil
along its 11,000-km (6,800-mile) equator. The plan involves starting
with an array that's a few kilometers wide and eventually increasing
that to around 400 km (250 miles). Read More
As early as 2015, your Amazon purchases could be
dropped at your door within 30 minutes courtesy of unmanned aerial
drones. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos revealed plans for the delivery service
dubbed Prime Air (an extension of Amazon Prime which guarantees two-day
shipping) in a 60 Minutes interview on Sunday night. Read More
The 2013 LA Auto Show Design Challenge
has been won by SAIC Motor Corp. The Chinese automaker’s “Mobiliant”
concept saw off competition from eight other contenders who where
challenged to create forward-looking designs under the theme "Biomimicry
& Mobility 2025 – Nature's Answer to Human Challenges." Read More
Last August, it looked as if the NASA's Kepler space telescope
was as good as scrap due to the failure of its attitude control system.
Now the space agency proposes what it calls the K2 mission concept,
which will give the unmanned probe "second light" by using the Sun to
regain attitude control and allow Kepler to resume its search for
extrasolar planets. Read More
Most of us are aware of the dangers surrounding
the amount of time we spend in the sun. Although we rely on exposure to
sunlight to provide us with vitamin D, a lack of protection from harmful
ultraviolet (UV) rays can lead to skin cancer. It can be a fine line
between a healthy dose of sun and retreating indoors to coat ourselves
in Aloe vera. The UVA+B Sunfriend aims to promote a healthy amount of
sun exposure by alerting users when it is time to make for the shade.
Read More
After a month spent jockeying about in Earth Orbit, India’s Mars Orbiter Mission
(MOM) is finally on its way to the Red Planet. According to the Indian
Space Research Organisation (ISRO), the unmanned spacecraft fired its
main engine on Sunday at 12:49 AM (IST) and completed the firing 22
minutes and 8.89 seconds later, completing the Mars orbit insertion that
will see it arrive in orbit around Mars in September of next year. Read More
Batteries. We buy them at the store, use them up,
and throw them away without much thought. In reality, however,
batteries are remarkably complex electrochemical devices that are
continually evolving. The latest example of this comes from the Lawrence
Berkeley National Laboratory, where researchers have invented an
advanced lithium/sulfur (Li/S) cell that offers a unique combination of
energy storage, power, recharge speed, and survivability. Read More
The Boz is not a car, and you won't be able to
buy it. According to new start-up Zoox, the Boz is the transportation
paradigm that comes after the car. It's but a fanciful idea from an
unknown start-up for now, but the company believes it can finish its
thought by 2021. Read More
With 3D printers dropping below the US$200 mark,
the home 3D printing revolution appears to be getting into full swing,
which is great ... if you want to make things out of plastic.
Unfortunately, the price of commercial metal 3D printers means the
ability to print metal objects has remained out of reach of most people.
That could be set to change with a team from Michigan Technical
University building a 3D metal printer for under $1,500. Read More
If Convertible: A smartphone, tablet and ultrabook in one
By Darren Quick
December 2, 2013
After a series of legal wrangles derailed the 2003 release of the Xentex Flip-Pad,
a dual-screen laptop with independently-pivoting screens, former Xentex
founder and CEO Jeff Batio has climbed back on the horse and is
preparing to launch an updated version. The If Convertible is a mobile
device that flips and folds to transform from a dual-screen ultrabook to
a tablet, with one screen also detaching to serve as a smartphone. Read More
Volvo’s S60 and its V60 variant don’t exactly
have a reputation for being exciting, but that hasn't prevented the
Swedish carmaker from trying to infuse a bit of dash into the line. The
company handed the compact executive and the estate wagon over to its
Polestar Racing division and the results were unveiled last Thursday at
the world première of the S60 and V60 Polestar. This limited edition is
not only based on the Volvo S/V60, but also the C30 and S60 concept cars, and the Australian S60 Polestar, and are part of an extended Polestar production model range. Read More
In the world of Android flagship phones, there's
plenty of competition and even more opinions about which phone(s) are
best, but it's undeniable that two of the phones that generated the most
hype and attention in 2013 were Samsung's Galaxy S4 and Google's Nexus 5 (another was from Motorola – also read my hands-on comparison of the Moto X and the Nexus 5). The GS4 hit the market in Q2, while the Nexus 5
arrived just about a month ago. There's been a Galaxy S4 in my house
since the summer and I borrowed a Nexus 5 from Google for almost a full
month, so at this point I've a strong enough handle on the strengths and
weaknesses of each to help those of you still trying to decide between
one or the other. Read More
Off-grid Minim House reimagines tiny living
December 2, 2013
The tiny house
movement continues to build momentum, and the latest small home to
catch our eye with a clever space-maximizing design is the Minim House.
The trailer-based mobile micro-home is capable of operating on or off
grid, and boasts some comforts often associated with a larger home. Read More
Denimite repurposes blue jeans into a "green" material
By Ben Coxworth
December 2, 2013
As evidenced by our friend carbon fiber,
composite materials get a big boost in strength when fibers are part of
the recipe. Examples include composites made with plastic, wood pulp, and flax
fibers. Husband-and-wife design team Jen Carlson and Josh Shear have
taken this concept to a funky new level, by using shredded old blue
jeans to create a denim fiber composite known as Denimite. Read More
Starting out as a rather chunky hammerhead concept shown at CES 2013, the Theta panoramic camera
has since been slimmed down, streamlined and released. Stunning 360
degree views can be instantly captured at the push of a button, the
device can be remotely operated via smartphone, and images uploaded to
an online photo album and shared on social media. Gizmag has spent the
last few weeks generating lots of immersive bubble panoramas with the
Theta, and the novelty has yet to wear off. But is the camera worth its
rather high price tag? Read More
With its sharp, angular lines and arrow-shaped front end, the Lamborghini Veneno
has always had a slightly military feel about it. So we probably
shouldn't be too surprised that the Italian automaker chose the flight
deck of the Italian naval aircraft carrier Nave Cavour for the public
debut of the limited edition Roadster version this week in Abu Dhabi.
Read More
Solspaces project to test year-round solar heating system
By Nick Lavars
December 3, 2013
Researchers at the University of Stuttgart are
preparing to test a solar heating system capable of long term storage as
part of "Solspaces," a three-year project that kicked off in March
2012. The heating concept uses a solar thermal system in conjunction
with a sorption tank for storing heat from solar collectors throughout
the warmer months that can then be released when the mercury drops. Read More
If you're looking to snag a new game console this
holiday season – whether for yourself, a child, or a child at heart –
you have more choices than ever. How do you decide among some of the
biggest and best consoles you can buy today? Join Gizmag, as we break
down the features and specs of the flagship gaming consoles of the 2013
shopping season. Read More
You like bikes? Yep, so do we. And while we
certainly pay attention to the big announcements from the Shimanos and
Campagnolos of the world, oftentimes it's the quirkier, more creative
inventions from smaller manufacturers that really catch our interest.
Keeping that in mind, here's a quick look at 10 of the products that we
covered over the past 12 months, that most made us realize how much room
for innovation is still left in the world of cycling. Read More
We've recently seen rehabilitative systems in which stroke victims use their thoughts either to move animated images of their paralyzed limbs, or to activate robotic devices
that guide their limbs through the desired movements. Scientists at the
University of Wisconsin-Madison, however, have just announced an
alternative approach. Their device acts as an intermediary between the
brain and a non-responsive hand, receiving signals from the one and
transmitting them to the other. Read More
MOLO aims to make microwaved food taste better
By Dave LeClair
December 3, 2013
There's an old trick to make microwaved food
taste better: put some water in with it. This helps keep the food moist,
but it's not necessarily the most elegant solution. The MOLO Moisture
Lock Microwave Cover aims to take this old trick and streamline it, with
a cover that integrates the water right into the top, preventing
splatters while keeping food moist, all with the goal of making it taste
better. Read More
China's lunar probe Chang'e-3
was placed into an Earth-Moon transfer orbit on Monday by a Long March
3B launch vehicle from the Xichang Satellite Launch Centre. It has on
board a lunar landing module, containing the Yu Tu (Jade Rabbit) lunar
rover. If all continues to go well, on December 14 Chang'e-3 will land
in Sinus Iridum on the Moon's northern hemisphere. It will be the first
spacecraft to make a soft landing on the Moon in 37 years. Read More
Back in 2009, MIT's SENSEable City team unveiled its Copenhagen Wheel
prototype. In a nutshell, it's a self-contained electrically-powered
rear bicycle wheel that can be installed on any regular bike, instantly
turning it into an e-bike. Today, it was announced that a commercial
version of the Copenhagen Wheel is now available to consumers. Read More
After developing some innovative ways to add LEDs to wallpaper, and even the backside of televisions,
it looks like Philips is setting its sights on lighting the floor
beneath our feet as well. The company recently partnered with Desso, a
high-quality carpeting producer, to create a new type of carpet embedded
with LEDs that can turn any floor space into a customizable lighting
array. Read More
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