New and Emerging Technology News part 20 ~ NEW GEN TECH LIFE : new generation technology news

Friday, 24 January 2014

New and Emerging Technology News part 20

Toshiba's ZX900 Series Cell LED TV set for the US market
The Cell microprocessor made famous by the PlayStation 3 was developed as a joint venture between Sony, Toshiba and IBM, with Toshiba taking over the majority of manufacturing duties in 2007. Toshiba plans to make the most of the Cell with a new range of Cell-powered TVs for the US market - read on to find out what 200 gigaflops can do inside a TV.  Read More
Seagate's ultra-slim BlackArmor PS110 Performance Kit achieves true sustained data transfe...
Seagate has raised the bar for portable external hard drives at the CES 2010 with its BlackArmor PS110 Performance kit for portable computers. Comprising a 500GB/7,200rpm half-inch thick external hard drive, power cable and a USB 3.0 PC ExpressCard, this kit promises transfer performance up to three times a typical USB 2.0-based device and doesn't need latest-generation USB support on your laptop to work at full speed.  Read More
Fully autonomous wireless temperature sensor powered by a vibrational energy harvester
Working within the Holst Centre program on Micropower Generation and Storage, researchers have developed a small piezoelectric device capable of harvesting 85 microwatts of electricity from vibrations. Fabricated using MEMS technology, the fully autonomous temperature sensor generates enough power to wirelessly measure and transmit environmental data to a base station every 15 seconds.  Read More
An evolution of the Popcorn Hour, Syabas's Popbox brings the Internet and apps to your TV ...
Building on the previous Popcorn Hour, the US$129 Popbox announced at CES 2010 is a first-class media hub supporting all of the common audio and video formats, that lets you stream videos off the Internet, play games and even read tweets from your friends right from your HDTV set. The already comprehensive range of video formats supported in the Popcorn Hour has been further expanded and now supports 1080p (Full HD) video up to a 100Mbps bitrate.  Read More
Toshiba LED light bulbs at CES 2010
Toshiba, was waving the green flag at CES this week in announcing that its E-CORE LED lightbulbs will soon be available in the US market. An E-CORE bulb has a life expectancy of 40,000 hours, which is 40 times longer than traditional incandescant lightbulbs and at the same time it reduces CO2 emissions by 85 percent in comparison.  Read More
ASUS' Waveface Ultra is designed to provide information anywhere, anytime
ASUS – once known mostly as a motherboard manufacturer – has chosen CES 2010 to introduce some innovative laptops and futuristic concepts. Not content with showcasing a laptop designed in collaboration with Bang & Olufsen’s chief designer, it has also introduced three Waveface design concepts. The range includes a portable device worn on the wrist, a widescreen display that is both an entertainment center and internet portal and a touch-sensitive machine that can be used as a single-screen tablet or conventional keyboard – all designed by ASUS to allow the user to fully embrace the digital life…perhaps even by using one’s own physiological and emotional state as a source of data. Well, I did say “futuristic concepts”.  Read More
DK City's folding electric bicycle by Robrady
The world is crying out for some decent folding electric bike designs and predictably, given its two-wheeled heritage, Robrady Design has delivered one of the best we’ve seen so far. Secondary transport solutions that are light and electric and can fold into small spaces are naturally an important part of the transportation equation of the future – Robrady designed the db0 for Taiwanese company DK City and it’ll be on the market within two months.  Read More
Casio’s Digital Art Frame evolves the photoframe
Digital photoframes have succeeded the photo album of yesteryear to quickly achieve mainstream status and manufacturers are now striving to differentiate their offerings beyond the simple rotation of images, particularly with China’s savvy digital manufacturers turning yesterday’s innovation into tomorrow’s commodity at an ever brisker pace. Casio’s new Digital Art Frame achieves such differentiation using Adobe FlashLite playback technology, to display preset clocks and calendars incorporating user pics. The frame's most appealing and unique factor though, is its “snapshot-to-painting” function which converts digital photographs into artistic painting-like renditions using PhotoShop-style filters and there’s also a “Dynamic Photo” function that allows the creation of composite moving images. This will make it harder for "me too" products.  Read More
The Eye-fi Pro X2 SD card featuring Endless Memory Mode
Eye-Fi Inc. has chosen the 2010 CES show to unveil the latest in its already impressive range of Wi-fi enabled SD cards, the Eye-Fi Pro X2. As well as featuring an enhanced capacity of 8GB and Class 6 read and write speeds, the Pro X2 comes to the party with “Endless Memory Mode”, enabling the user to free up space by automatically deleting images from the card once they have been successfully uploaded.  Read More
Little PARO, plugged into his pacifier-charger.
PARO is an animatronic baby seal companion robot designed by some very clever people with one simple purpose in mind - to make you love him. From everything we've seen, he's exceptionally talented at his job, melting the hardest hearts and bringing a big silly smile to everyone who meets him. But although he might be a wonderful toy, PARO's real purpose is to address a serious problem that's affecting Japan right now, and will soon spread across much of the Western world.  Read More

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