New and Emerging Technology News part 312 ~ NEW GEN TECH LIFE : new generation technology news

Friday, 25 April 2014

New and Emerging Technology News part 312

Intel has announced a number of new chips, including a 4th gen Core processor
Intel has announced a number of new chips, including the fifth generation Intel Core "Broadwell" and the fourth generation Intel Core "Devil's Canyon." The company also presented its new Ready Mode Technology and demonstrated a portable All-in-One computer. The announcements are all part Intel's claim that it is "reinventing the desktop."  Read More
Harvard physicists Federico Capasso (left) and Steven J. Byrnes (right) are part of a team...
Could it one day be possible to generate electricity from the loss of heat from Earth to outer space? A group of Harvard engineers believe so and have theorized something of a reverse photovoltaic cell to do just this. The key is using the flow of energy away from our planet to generate voltage, rather than using incoming energy as in existing solar technologies.  Read More
The S65 AMG Coupé from Mercedes-Benz
Now that the Geneva Auto Show is over, one has to wonder what the manufacturers will do to keep our attention. Mercedes-Benz has unleashed the new S63 AMG Coupé featuring a new tightened dynamic design, increased power output, all-wheel-drive, a lighter fighting-weight and world first suspension system.  Read More
Futuristic autonomous car design studies at the 2014 Geneva Motor Show
We've heard a lot of chatter about autonomous vehicles over the past several years and seen a variety of hardware. So far, most autonomous cars are rough, experimental versions of current models, with all kinds of added sensor hardware. The recent Geneva Motor Show flipped the autonomous vehicle inside out, showcasing several futuristic design studies that peeked inside the car cabin of the future.  Read More
Using bone conduction, the Dreampad delivers audio only the person lying on it There are many people who find a little music helps them drift off to sleep at night. Conversely, there are many people who don't. The Dreampad from Integrated Listening could be just the thing for couples with a foot in each camp.  Read More
DARPA is working on revolutionizing rotorcraft technology
Helicopters and other rotorcraft are impressive bits of technology, but the only place where they match the performance of fixed-wing aircraft is in bad 1980s television. That may soon change with DARPA announcing the selection of four companies to compete in the next phase of its Vertical Take Off and Landing Experimental Plane (VTOL X-Plane) program. The four companies are tasked with developing unmanned demonstrator aircraft designed to increase the performance of VTOL rotor aircraft while reducing their complexity.  Read More
The Cefaly headband is claimed to not only treat migraines, but help to reduce their frequ...
Though using electrical stimulation of the brain as a means of treating migraines has provided an alternative to over-the-counter medication, the administering of the electrical currents can be complex, involving bulky equipment or even surgically implanted electrodes. Cefaly, a battery-operated headband, has now been approved by FDA (US Food and Drug Administration) and is said to not only treat migraines, but possibly prevent them altogether.  Read More
“Kepler has produced results needed to take the next big step forward in humankind's searc...
It’s been five years since NASA’s $600 million Kepler Space Telescope was launched to look for planets beyond our Solar System – so-called exoplanets – and while the quest to find a twin for Earth has so far been fruitless, Kepler’s observations have revealed our galaxy to be full of worlds potentially able to support life.  Read More
Researchers have finally discovered the key to dark chocolate's health benefits (Photo: Sh...
It has long been known that eating chocolate, particularly dark chocolate, has numerous health benefits. Although various studies have backed this up, the exact reason as to why this is so has remained a mystery. Now researchers from Louisiana State University have provided the answer – gut microbes.  Read More
Gizmag compares the features and specs of the Samsung Galaxy S5 and 2013 version of the HT...
The 2014 edition of the HTC One has to be one of the worst-kept secrets in the history of smartphones. But before HTC pulls back the curtain on its well-leaked new flagship next week, maybe you're wondering how last year's One stacks up to the Galaxy S5? Read on, as Gizmag compares the two phones' features and specs.  Read More

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