On April 8, Microsoft will cease all support to
consumers who are still running Windows XP. On the same day, the company
will also end support for Office 2003. If you're a procrastinator still
plugging away on an XP machine or working away in Microsoft's aging
productivity suite, it's high time you considered your options. Gizmag
provides a few suggestions. Read More
TaskLab's original TaskOne iPhone multi-tool case
packs a variety of tools and implements, but apparently the company
feels it doesn't offer enough. It's back with an even more versatile
iPhone multi-tool. The MyTask could effectively be called a multi
multi-tool, giving buyers two sets of tools for different activities.
Read More
NASA, using images taken from its Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter
(LRO) has released a 680-gigapixel interactive mosaic of the Moon's
north polar region. The resolution of the image is one pixel to 6.5 ft
(2 m) with the area imaged being the equivalent of slightly more than
the land mass of the states of Alaska and Texas combined. Read More
Gannet Design founder Ulfert Janssen is one of
the few automotive and transportation designers in the world who works
in both the two- and four-wheeled domains. Stints at Samsung Motors in
Korea, Nissan in Japan and a decade at Renault’s Barcelona studio
involved in advanced concept design have given him a unique perspective
on future transportation design. Read More
Last September, we heard about a new cycling multitool known as Fix it Sticks.
A successful Kickstarter project, it consists of two aluminum "sticks"
that can be joined together to form a T wrench, with a different type of
bit permanently attached to each end. At the time, several readers
complained that the bits should be interchangeable. Well, those people
will be happy to learn that the designer has now come out with the Fix
It Sticks Replaceable Edition. We got to try one out, and can attest to
the fact that it's a gooder. Read More
Most people will have heard how bad it is for you
to sit all day. Inactivity can cause obesity, poor posture, and general
unhealthiness – which is why so many people are switching to using
standing desks at work or at home. The biggest problem is how expensive
they are to buy. We recently featured the UpStanding Desk,
which offered an affordable solution to this problem by converting your
existing desk from sitting to standing. The Cardboard Standing Desk
from Chairigami offers another, even more affordable, solution. Read More
Most of the early smartwatches we've seen run
scaled-down software designed for tiny screens. But then you also have
devices like Neptune Pine and Omate TrueSmart
that are basically smartphones for your wrist. Today another device is
ready to join that latter group. Meet the Rufus Cuff, a "wrist
communicator" that can pair with both iPhone and Android handsets. Read More
When you want to climb or sprint on your bike,
what do you do? That's right, you get your butt off the saddle and shift
your weight forward. According to Tampa-based inventor Felton
Zimmerman, however, going off-saddle like that hampers your performance.
His solution? The Darwin Bicycle. It features a folding frame that
automatically moves the saddle forward with you, so you're always
seated. Read More
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