New and Emerging Technology News part 319 ~ NEW GEN TECH LIFE : new generation technology news

Tuesday, 29 April 2014

New and Emerging Technology News part 319

A 7,300 lb (3,311 kg) floating skateboard ramp was installed on Lake Tahoe as part of Visi...
A 7,300 lb (3,311 kg) floating skateboard ramp has been installed on Lake Tahoe as part of Visit California's Dream365 tourism campaign. The ramp took four days and 300 man hours to complete before it was lowered into the Californian lake and put to the test by pro skateboarder Bob Burnquist.  Read More
New research suggests a nasal spray could be used to treat depression  (Photo: Shutterstoc...
A nasal spray containing a specially-developed protein peptide could form the basis for highly-targeted treatment for depression, new research from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) has shown. The peptide, when delivered in spray from, was found to relieve symptoms of depression, with the lead researcher hopeful of little to no side-effects.  Read More
Pyle Audio's Street Blaster boasts 1,000 W of power Pyle Audio is looking to update the ghetto blaster for the wireless age with its Street Blaster. Ditching the rectangular boombox styling of the '80s, the unit adopts a cylindrical form factor that makes it look like something Geordi La Forge pulled out of the USS Enterprise's warp core.  Read More
The ATHENA organ project combines heart, liver, kidney and lung features in a toxicity tes...
A five-year, US$19 million multi-institutional effort is working on developing a "desktop human" that could reduce the need for animal testing in the development of new drugs. The "homo minitus" is a drug and toxicity analysis system that would comprise four human organ constructs interconnected to mimic the response of human organs. The project has now reported success in the development of its first organ construct, a human liver construct that responds to exposure to a toxic chemical much like a real liver.  Read More
Blueforce's new implant warns police of dangerous internal temperatures (Photo: Shuttersto...
Police dogs serve many purposes for law enforcement agencies. Often times they are used for their superior sense of smell, and they are also used to apprehend suspects. As such, these animals face many risks. One, though, is not necessarily the first that comes to mind, and that is being left to overheat in police cruisers. A company called Blueforce Development aims to fix this problem with a sensor that alerts police when a K-9's temperature reaches dangerous levels, thus saving the dog's life.  Read More
The three young inventors of the Pluvia system, which uses rainwater runoff to generate el... When we complain about the rain, other people will often say "Yeah, but it's good for the plants." Well, thanks to a microturbine-based system created by three students from the Technological University of Mexico, it's now also being used to generate electricity for use in low-income homes.  Read More
The BomBoard disassembles into four modules, and can be put back together in one minute
Personal water craft (or PWCs) have been around since the 1950s, and received a boost in popularity when the Kawasaki Jet Ski was released in 1973. Since then, we've seen the introduction of a number of makes and models, all boasting their own unique features. One of the latest, the BomBoard, is claimed to be the world's only modular PWC – and at a planned price of US$3,495, it could also be the cheapest.  Read More
A bicycle equipped with Fietsklik's quick-release Crate unit
While it's certainly helpful to have a cargo box or panniers on your bike, most such containers must either be left on semi-permanently, or are relatively easy for thieves to remove. The Fietsklik system, however, features interchangeable cargo carriers that can be quickly clicked on and off of a slim rack-mounted adapter, but also locked in place when needed.  Read More
The 20-gigapixel panorama is compiled from more than 2 million individual snaps (Image: NA...
Images from the NASA Spitzer Space Telescope have been used to create a staggering 20-gigapixel panorama, encompassing more than half of the galaxy’s stars. The vista was created from more than a decade’s worth of infrared images, and will be used to help further our understanding of the structure and formation of stars in the Milky Way.  Read More
Creative children will be able to furnish their whole room using Olla
Given even the smallest opportunity to get creative, kids will invariably take it. This is why modular furniture designed to appeal exclusively to children is potentially such a good idea. Olla is just that, offering children of all ages the opportunity to build their own Lego-style furniture.  Read More

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