New and Emerging Technology News part 269 ~ NEW GEN TECH LIFE : new generation technology news

Saturday, 5 April 2014

New and Emerging Technology News part 269

Minimod, by MAPA Architects (Photo: Leonardo Finotti)
Though embracing small footprint living doesn't always require one deal with a challenging interior layout, a compact home that's designed to be flexible certainly bodes well for a harmonious lifestyle. It would appear that MAPA Architects had this in mind with its Minimod (or Minimal Modular) prototype home, which sports an adaptable interior layout comprising four living spaces.  Read More
Stratasys has launched the Objet500 Connex3
3D printer manufacturer Stratasys has launched what it says is the first 3D printer that can print both in color and with multiple materials. The Objet500 Connex3 combines droplets of three base materials to produce a variety of different material characteristics and colors.  Read More
Using the Easybreath snorkel promises to feel more natural than traditional snorkeling
For those people unprepared to learn to scuba dive, snorkeling is a great way to explore the water while remaining close to the surface. The main problem with it is that it forces the swimmer to breathe through only their mouth, which can feel unnatural. Tribord's new Easybreath mask aims to solve that problem, by allowing natural breathing through the nose or mouth.  Read More
The Joyboat can reportedly cruise for up to eight hours on one charge of its battery pack
Although all sorts of people enjoy boating, not everyone wants to go blasting across the waves in a noisy speedboat. If you're more content with quietly cruising the waterways, then you might like Sky-Yacht's electric Joyboat. We recently spied the watercraft, at the Dusseldorf boat show.  Read More
A group of dancing holographic men (Photo: TeamLab) As part of the Singapore Biennale 2013, a group of artists has created a maze filled with life-sized, three-dimensional, dancing holograms of people and animals, capable of reacting to a person's presence.  Read More
2014 is set to be a strong year for multiplatform games
The months following a console launch are often a defining period in the life cycle of a console, and there's one thing that every platform owner dreads – the game drought. Nintendo's Wii U suffered from a lack of quality software in the months following its release, as did the PlayStation 3 before it. Luckily, things don't look so bleak for Sony and Microsoft's new platforms, with a wealth of new titles hitting current (last?) and next (current?) gen systems alike.  Read More
The dwarf planet Ceres emitting plumes of water vapor from its surface (Photo: ESA)
In mid-2015, the asteroid probe Dawn is scheduled to establish orbit around Ceres, the only dwarf planet in the inner Solar System, as well as the largest asteroid, to begin roughly six months of close-up observation. The level of interest in this mission has significantly increased with the detection by the ESA's Herschel space observatory of plumes of water vapor being exuded from Ceres' surface from a pair of local sources.  Read More
Holographic spots and a hologram illuminated from the center (Photo: Ali Yetisen)
A team of interdisciplinary researchers have created "smart" holograms that can monitor health conditions or diagnose diseases, by changing color in the presence of disease indicators in a person's breath or bodily fluids. When developed into a portable medical test, these responsive holograms could make testing for medical conditions and monitoring one's health very easy, the scientists claim.  Read More
A rendering of the life-saving tool When a patient can't breathe through their mouth or nose, often the only way of getting air to their lungs is to perform a tracheotomy. This involves making an incision in the trachea, and inserting a breathing tube through it. Now, scientists are creating a device to streamline the process.  Read More
Obalon is a new gastric balloon for weight loss that has been launched in the UK
A new weight-loss device that patients swallow and is then inflated inside the stomach to accelerate the sensation of fullness when eating has been launched in the UK. Obalon is a gastric balloon that benefits patients by being relatively noninvasive in comparison to others that require surgery.  Read More

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