Like 'em or not, it looks like selfies are here
to stay. Using the just-released HISY, however, they don't have to
possess that "I'm holding my phone out at the end of my arm" look. It's a
simple Bluetooth device that lets you prop your smartphone up and get
out in front of it, then remotely trigger the phone's camera once you're
in place. I recently got my hands on a HISY, and gave it a try. Read More
Smartphones are practically everywhere. But if you're in the middle of nowhere without a signal, that iPhone 5s or Galaxy S4 won't do you much good. Many people already turn to satellite phones
when they're at sea or in other far-off places, but a new device from
Iridium takes a satellite signal and turns it into a Wi-Fi hotspot for
your existing mobile devices. Read More
Akai has unveiled a new addition to its series of
electronic wind instruments, dubbed the EWI 5000. Billed as the world's
the most expressive and versatile wind instrument, the new "ee-wee"
comes with an orchestra of built-in sounds, has its own rechargeable
battery, and gives the player the wireless freedom to groove in every
corner of the stage. Read More
Inside app uses your phone's sensors for indoor navigation
By Ben Coxworth
February 4, 2014
Due to those pesky roofs that block access to
satellites, smartphone-based GPS systems don't work for navigating
indoor environments such as shopping malls. Some non-GPS alternatives
are in development, including ones that incorporate rapidly-blinking LED lights or Wi-Fi signals.
The just-announced Inside app, however, utilizes the phone's own
standard sensors, and is reportedly accurate up to a distance of down to
one meter (3.3 ft). Read More
Sols scans your feet and creates 3D-printed custom insoles
By Stu Robarts
February 4, 2014
The healthcare industry is already making use of
3D printing technologies to print casts, tracheal splints, ears,
prostheses, and even cells. Now, a New York-based company wants to print
the insoles in your shoes to reduce foot pain and improve posture. Sols
Systems has raised US$1.75 million of seed financing from Lux Capita to
bring its custom orthotics to market. Read More
In October of last year, the Canadian Avalanche Centre (CAC) issued a warning
about the dangers of relying on smartphone apps that were being
marketed as economical alternatives to avalanche transceivers. But a new
smartphone app and add-on hardware component could provide an
alternative that is not only cheaper than dedicated avalanche
transceivers, but also provides additional functionality. Read More
Sometimes history is preserved by accident rather
than design. Thanks to a malfunction during the Apollo 15 mission in
1971 that prevented it from being abandoned with its fellows, the only
camera used on the surface of the Moon and brought back to Earth will be
auctioned by Westlicht Photographica Auction in Vienna. The
motor-driven camera is a Hasselblad 500 "EL DATA CAMERA HEDC," also
known as a Hasselblad Data Camera (HDC), that was specially designed for
use on the Moon. It’s currently in the hands of a private collector and
goes on the block in March. Read More
Karton offers recycled cardboard creations for home furniture
By Nick Lavars
February 3, 2014
It's generally only when its time to pack up and
move house that the typical homeowner encounters large quantities of
cardboard. In bicycle helmets and vacuum cleaners, however, we have seen some innovative applications
for the material beyond its use as lightweight and durable packaging.
Karton, a cardboard furniture company offering everything from beds to
room dividers, takes a similar approach, yet aims to go beyond the novel
and make its paper constructions a charming and practical part of your
living solution. Read More
The TriKayak XS-1 features adjustable outriggers
By Ben Coxworth
February 3, 2014
Kayaking is a fast, easy and fun way of paddling
across the water. That said, some people worry that the perceived
tippiness of the boats makes it too easy a way of ending up in
the water, too. That's why you sometimes see kayaks with stabilizing
outriggers ... although those outriggers can get in the way. The
TriKayak XS-1 is designed to offer the stability, without the hassle.
Read More
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